Care Guide
About Caridina Shrimp
Caridina is a genus of freshwater shrimp known for its diverse and striking appearances. Native to various regions in Asia, these shrimp are popular in the aquarium hobby for their vibrant colors and beneficial algae-eating habits. They are often chosen for their aesthetic appeal and their ability to enhance the ecological balance of a tank. Caridina shrimp thrive in well-maintained aquariums that mimic their natural habitats. They prefer environments with stable water conditions and plenty of hiding places to feel secure. Visit Wikipedia for more about Caridina Shrimp
Characteristics of the Pure Red Line Caridina Shrimp
The Pure Red Line Caridina shrimp is celebrated for its brilliant red stripes that run across its translucent body.
These striking features make it a standout addition to any freshwater tank. Typically, Pure Red Line Caridina shrimp reach an adult size of about 1 to 1.5 inches.
With proper care, they can live up to 2 to 3 years in a well-maintained aquarium. These shrimp are peaceful and enjoy social interaction within their species. They are active scavengers and can often be seen foraging for food in the substrate and on tank surfaces.
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Care and Feeding
Pure Red Line Caridina shrimp thrive in a well-maintained freshwater aquarium with a stable temperature range of 68-74°F (20-23°C). A well-filtered tank with minimal current and plenty of live plants or decorations will help create a comfortable environment. A sponge or mat filter is recommended to prevent the shrimp from getting caught in the filter intake.
Maintain a water pH between 6.5 and 7.5, with a hardness level of 4-6 dGH. Regular water changes and monitoring of water parameters are crucial for their health. Feed your Pure Red Line Caridina shrimp a varied diet that includes high-quality shrimp pellets, algae wafers, and blanched vegetables like zucchini or spinach. They also enjoy occasional treats of powdered spirulina or calcium-rich supplements to support their exoskeleton. Regularly clean the tank to prevent algae buildup and maintain water quality. Remove uneaten food promptly to avoid water contamination.
Red Line Caridina shrimp are generally peaceful and can coexist with other small, non-aggressive fish and shrimp species. They are best kept with species that won’t view them as prey, such as small tetras, rasboras, or guppies. Avoid placing them with larger fish or those known to be aggressive, as they may pose a threat to the shrimp. Additionally, be cautious with other invertebrates that might compete for the same food resources. Use fine-gravel substrates and live plants to provide hiding spots and a natural environment. Ensure that any decorations or substrates do not have sharp edges that could harm the shrimp.