Mystery Snails

Mystery Snails hanging out on the aquarium glass eating algae

Care Guide

About Mystery Snails

Aquarium Mystery Snails, scientifically known as Pomacea bridgesii, are popular freshwater snails admired for their interesting appearance and beneficial role in aquarium ecosystems. Originating from South America, these snails have become a staple in the aquarium hobby due to their ease of care, peaceful nature, and efficient algae consumption. They are named “mystery” snails due to their ability to seal themselves within their operculum, a hard trapdoor-like structure, when threatened or during periods of inactivity.


Mystery snails feature a distinctive shell with various colorations ranging from golden to brown, black, and even blue. Their shells are typically globular in shape, with spiral patterns and ridges. These snails possess a muscular foot used for locomotion and a pair of tentacles, with one bearing eyes and the other used for sensory perception and food detection. They are generally slow-moving and spend much of their time grazing on surfaces within the aquarium.

Care and Feeding

Maintaining optimal conditions is vital for the health and well-being of aquarium mystery snails. They thrive in freshwater aquariums with stable water parameters, including a temperature range of 68-82°F (20-28°C), pH between 7.0 and 8.0, and moderate hardness. Adequate filtration and regular water changes help maintain water quality and prevent the accumulation of waste.

Aquarium mystery snails are primarily herbivores and feed on algae, detritus, and decaying plant matter. Supplement their diet with sinking algae wafers, blanched vegetables such as zucchini or spinach, and calcium-rich foods like cuttlebone or calcium supplements to promote healthy shell growth. Avoid overfeeding, as excess food can lead to water quality issues and obesity in snails.


Mystery snails are peaceful and generally compatible with a wide range of aquarium inhabitants, including fish, shrimp, and other snails. However, they may be at risk of predation by larger or more aggressive tank mates, particularly carnivorous fish species. Compatible tank mates include community fish such as Tetras, Rasboras, Guppies, and peaceful Cichlids. Avoid housing mystery snails with aggressive or nippy species that may harass or injure them.

In summary, aquarium mystery snails are fascinating and beneficial additions to freshwater aquariums, contributing to algae control and helping maintain a clean and balanced ecosystem. With proper care and suitable tank mates, these captivating snails can thrive and provide enjoyment to aquarists of all experience levels.