Starter Kit Instructions

Starter aquarium kit on display for sale, showcasing decor and a few accessories.

How to Setup your new fish home

Choose a suitable location for your aquarium. Avoid direct sunlight and drafty areas.

 Do you have all your equipment?

   – Aquarium tank: Choose a glass or acrylic tank with sufficient volume for your selected fish species.

   – Filtration system: Invest in a reliable filter to keep the water clean and maintain a healthy environment for your fish.

   – Heater (if needed): Tropical fish species typically require a heater to maintain a stable water temperature.

   – Lighting: Select appropriate lighting based on the needs of your aquarium inhabitants and any live plants you plan to include.

   – Substrate: Gravel or sand substrate provides a foundation for plants and adds aesthetic appeal.

   – Decorations: Rocks, driftwood, and artificial or live plants create a natural habitat and hiding spots for fish.

Begin Setup

   – Rinse the aquarium and all equipment with water (no soap) to remove any dust or residue.

   – Place the substrate in the bottom of the tank and arrange decorations as desired.

   – Install the filtration system, heater (if needed), and lighting according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

   – Fill the tank with dechlorinated water. Use a water conditioner to neutralize chlorine and chloramines present in tap water.

   – Let the aquarium run for at least 24 hours before adding any fish to allow the water to stabilize.

Add Fish and Plants

   – Once the aquarium is fully cycled and water parameters are stable, you can start adding Freshwater tropical fish and freshwater aqua-plants.

   – Introduce fish gradually to avoid overloading the filtration system. Research each species’ compatibility and water requirements.

   – Acclimate fish to the aquarium water temperature by floating the bag in the tank for 15-30 minutes before releasing them.


   – Perform regular water changes (10-20% of the tank volume) every 1-2 weeks to remove waste and replenish essential nutrients.

   – Clean the filter and remove any debris from the substrate during water changes.

   – Monitor water parameters regularly and adjust as needed to maintain optimal conditions for your fish and plants.

Enjoy and Learn

   – Take time to observe and enjoy your aquarium. Each fish has its own personality, and watching them interact can be fascinating.

   – Continue learning about aquarium care and fishkeeping to ensure the health and well-being of your aquatic pets.

Starting a small aquarium requires patience and dedication, but with proper setup and maintenance, you can create a beautiful and thriving aquatic ecosystem in your own home.