Fish Care Guide

Tropical fish care pages

Freshwater aquarium tropical fish offer a captivating glimpse into the diverse and vibrant ecosystems found in rivers, lakes, and streams around the world. From the dazzling colors of the neon tetra to the graceful movements of the angelfish, these aquatic marvels bring life and beauty to any tank.

Angel Fish Pterophyllum – Blue Smoke ( P. scalare) – Gold – Silver

Betta Fish Betta splendens

Cichlids Family:Cichlidae – German Blue Ram – OB Peacock – Honduran Red Point – Electric Blue Acara

Corydoras Corydoras aeneus – Albino – Julii

Gobies Bumble Bee

Gouramis – Rainbow Dwarf – Blue Flame Paradise

Guppies Poecilia reticulata Red Dragon

Loaches – coming soon

Mollies Poecilia sphenops

Minnows DaniosZebrafish – Danio rerioGold Barb – Kyathit – Orange Finned – White Cloud Mountain

Platys – Koi Swordtail

Plecos Bristlenose

Rasboras Rasbora trilineataScissortail Boraras maculatusDwarf Chili

Ricefish Pearl

Tetras Paracheirodon innesiBlack NeonCardinal – Ember – Rummy Nose – X-Ray